Welcome to RSU No.5 Athletic Registration

(To view the Parent Tutorial, Click HERE.)

To get started, click an icon below.



The “Student Physical & Athletic Exam Form” is to be completed and signed by a doctor for all student athletes entering 6th grade and every 2 years at FHS.  Transfer Students are also required to submit a current physical form. This form meets the physical exam requirements for both the school nurse and the athletic department. All other athletes and families only need to complete the online forms - there is no paperwork to turn in.

To ensure clearance for participation, the Student Physical & Athletic Exam Form needs to be completed and turned into the Athletic Office no later than 3 school days prior to the first practice/tryouts. Students will not be allowed to participate without this form on file.

If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address them to:

Eric Hall - Athletic Administrator
Phone: 207-865-4706 Ext. 222
Fax: 865-2900

Karin Kamm - Admin Assistant
Office: 207-865-4706